Output File Headers

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This page describes the column headers for statistics files. These are output from Ranges analyses and can be loaded in the Statistics window.

Inter-location distances to focal sites

ID Individual identification number
AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult)
SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female
MONTH Month track started in
YEAR Year track started in
FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …)
FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …)
N Number of locations
Average Average distance of locations from site (m)
SE+- Standard Error of distance from focal site
GeoMean Geometric mean distance from focal site
SE*/ Standard Error of geometric distance from focal site (when using logs you must multiply and divide rather than add and subtract the SE)
DispDay Day on which dispersal distance is exceeded (only when dispersal detector implemented).

Distance to site statistics

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) East Location easting North Location northing distances Distance of location from focal site (m) LQV1 as specified in the location file … LQVn as specified in the location file NB. Possible to reimport this csv file and then use distances as an LQV Then they can be used for analyses of, say, "only locations at least 100m from den".

Inter-location headings

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) N Number of locations Average Average heading (degrees) between locations SE+- Standard Error of heading (degrees) between locations GeoMean Geometric mean heading (degrees) between locations SE*/ Standard Error of heading (degrees) between locations

(when using logs you must multiply and divide rather than add and subtract the SE)  

Inter-location times

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) N Number of locations Average Average time between locations SE+- Standard Error of time between locations GeoMean Geometric mean time between locations SE*/ Standard Error of geometric time between locations

(when using logs you must multiply and divide rather than add and subtract the SE)  

Inter-location speed

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) N Number of locations Average Average distance of locations from site SE+- Standard Error of distance from focal site GeoMean Geometric mean distance from focal site SE*/ Standard Error of geometric distance from focal site

(when using logs you must multiply and divide rather than add and subtract the SE)  

Convex polygon statistics

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) CentE Easting for the selected range centre CentN Northing for the selected range centre Span Maximum distance between locations Mean Mean distance of locations from range centre Median Median distance of locations from range centre Max Maximum distance of locations from range centre dummy Unused variable Core1 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha) Core2 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha) Core3 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha)


Concave polygon statistics

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) Span Maximum distance between locations dummy Unused variable dummy Unused variable dummy Unused variable dummy Unused variable dummy Unused variable dummy Unused variable Core% Core percentage, always 100 for concave polygons Area Area of that core (ha)

Ellipse statistics

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) CentE Arithmetic mean of eastings (range centre if with CentN) CentN Arithmetic mean of northings (range centre if with CentE) MARAD Radius of the major axis for the maximum core size selected MIRAD Radius of the minor axis for the maximum core size selected THETA Angle major axis is inclined from horizontal X-VAR Variance in eastings Y-VAR Variance in northings COVAR Covariance of eastings x northings r-STAT correlation coefficient JTAsym Standard deviation of the major axis divided by that of the minor axis. Core1 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha) Core2 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha)


Cluster Statistics

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) Core1 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha) Nuclei Number of nuclei Partial Partial area DivLocs Simpson's index for location diversity DivArea Simpson's index for area diversity Core2 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha) Nuclei Number of nuclei Partial Partial area DivLocs Simpson's index for location diversity DivArea Simpson's index for area diversity Core3 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha) Nuclei Number of nuclei Partial Partial area DivLocs Simpson's index for location diversity DivArea Simpson's index for area diversity Core1 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha)


Harmonic contour statistics

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) CentE Arithmetic mean of eastings (range centre if with CentN) CentN Arithmetic mean of northings (range centre if with CentE) Value Density score at the central location Spread Range spread at central location Dispersion An index of dispersion of the distribution is given by the peak density value (at the range centre location) divided by the standard deviation of the density value across all the locations Skew An index of skew in the distribution is given by the Euclidean distance between the arithmetic mean centre and the location with the peak density value, divided by the standard deviation of the density value across all the locations Kurtosis Kurtosis of the location distribution hRef Not relevant to Harmonic means hUsed Not relevant to Harmonic means Core1 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha) Core2 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha) Core3 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha)


Kernel contour statistics

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) CentE Arithmetic mean of eastings (range centre if with CentN) CentN Arithmetic mean of northings (range centre if with CentE) Value Density score at the central location Spread Range spread at central location Dispersion An index of dispersion of the distribution is given by the peak density value (at the range centre location) divided by the standard deviation of the density value across all the locations Skew An index of skew in the distribution is given by the Euclidean distance between the arithmetic mean centre and the location with the peak density value, divided by the standard deviation of the density value across all the locations Kurtosis Kurtosis of the location distribution hRef Reference smoothing parameter (SD /Sixth root N) hUsed Smoothing parameter used xhRef Multiple of hRef used (user defined or calculated by LSCV) interval Size (m) of lattice cells used in kernel estimation Core1 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha) Core2 Core percentage Area Area of that core (ha)


Autocorrelation statistics

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) minutes Time to independence S-index Schoener's index

Dynamic interaction statisics

ID First Individual identification number AGE First Individual's Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX First sex e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH First individual's Month track started in YEAR First individual's Year track started in FOC-E First Individual's Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N First Individual's Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) id Second Individual identification number age Second Individual's Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) sex Second sex e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female month Second individual's Month track started in year Second individual's Year track started in foc-E Second Individual's Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) foc-N Second Individual's Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) Nobs Number of observed distances AMEANObs Arithmetic mean of observed distances SUMObs Sum of observed distances SoSobs Sum of Squares of observed distances GMEANobs Geometric mean of the observed distances LSUMobs Sum of logged observed distances LSoSobs Sum of squares of logged observed distances MEDobs Median Observed distance Nran Number of random locations AMEANran Arithmetic mean of random distances SUMran Sum of random distances SoSran Sum of Squares of random distances GMEANran Geometric mean of the random distances LSUMran Sum of logged random distances LSoSran Sum of squares of logged random distances MEDran Median random distance D-AMEAN Jacob's index of arithmetic mean distances D-GMEAN Jacob's index of geometric mean distances D-MED Jacob's index of median distances

Site location interaction statistics

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) Nobs Number of observed distances AMEANObs Arithmetic mean of observed distances SUMObs Sum of observed distances SoSobs Sum of Squares of observed distances GMEANobs Geometric mean of the observed distances LSUMobs Sum of logged observed distances LSoSobs Sum of squares of logged observed distances MEDobs Median Observed distance Nran Number of random locations AMEANran Arithmetic mean of random distances SUMran Sum of random distances SoSran Sum of Squares of random distances GMEANran Geometric mean of the random distances LSUMran Sum of logged random distances LSoSran Sum of squares of logged random distances MEDran Median random distance D-AMEAN Jacob's index of arithmetic mean distances D-GMEAN Jacob's index of geometric mean distances D-MED Jacob's index of median distances

Range centre spacing statistics

Nobs Number of observed distances MEANobs Arithmetic mean of observed distances SUMobs Sum of observed distances SoSobs Sum of Squares of observed distances SEobs Standard Error of observed distances AREA Area of range MEANest Estimated mean distance SEest Standard error of estimated distances t-obs/est Student's t-test for regular spacing of estimated observations Nran Number of random locations MEANran Arithmetic mean of random distances SUMran Sum of random distances SoSran Sum of Squares of random distances SEran Standard error of random distances t-obs/ran Student's t-test for regular spacing of random estimates

Habitat in a map rectangle

W-edge Western edge E-edge Eastern edge S-edge Southern Edge N-edge Northern edge Area Area of assessed rectangle HabitatGroup1 % of the area made up of this habitat …HabitatGroupN

Habitat in a map circle

cent-E Circle centre easting cent-N Circle centre northing radius radius of circle in metres Area Area of circle HabitatGroup1 % of the area made up of this habitat …HabitatGroupN

Habitat content of ranges

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) Core1 Core percent Area Area of core HabitatGroup1 % of the area made up of this habitat …HabitatGroupN Core2 Core size Area Area of core 2 HabitatGroup1 % of the area made up of this habitat …HabitatGroupN

Habitat points within ranges

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) Core1 Core percent Area Area of core 1 sites Number of sites within core 1 Core2 Core percent Area Area of core 2 sites Number of sites within core 2 etc.

Habitat at locations

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) N-locs Number of locations HabitatGroup1 % of the locations (or ellipse area if error ellipses) of this habitat …HabitatGroupN

Habitat preference in ranges

ID Individual identification number AGE Age (e.g. 1 = Juv, 2 = Yearling, 3 = Adult) SEX e.g. 1 = male, 2 = female MONTH Month track started in YEAR Year track started in FOC-E Focal site Easting (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) FOC-N Focal site Northing (e.g. nest, den, trap site …) Core1 Core percent Area Area of core HabitatGroup1 % of the area made up of this habitat …HabitatGroupN Core2 Core size Area Area of core 2 HabitatGroup1 % of the area made up of this habitat …HabitatGroupN N-locs Number of locations HabitatGroup1 % of the locations (or ellipse area if error ellipses) of this habitat …HabitatGroupN

Resource area dependence

Kaplan Meier survival